Latest Facebook updates that you can’t miss in 2020
Let’s act and acquire the worst news out of the way first, because there’s a solid chance that if you already realize it, this is often why you intentionally came to seek out this particular blog post.
Facebook announced almost exactly a year ago that they’d be imparting an advert limit on each individual Page, restricting the quantity of campaigns they run.
Facebook Prepares Partners for iOS 14
There’s been a lot of speak about the upcoming iOS 14 update, which (amongst other changes) will ask users to opt-in to data collection rather than requiring them to be proactive and appearance up the way to opt-out themselves. While this is often good in theory for user privacy, it’s not so great for advertisers. Performance marketing specialist use these partners for iOS14 .
Here’s how Facebook recommends that their partners prepare:
They ask that relevant businesses create a replacement ad account dedicated to running app install efforts for iOS users.
Data Checkups Coming Soon
Facebook has made efforts to stay the platform transparent and to guard user privacy the maximum amount as possible. They track lots of data, after all, but it’s anonymous; brands can’t see the names of users who visited their sites, for instance.
They’ll even be asked to commit that their data use and API access suits the terms of service and developer policies within 60 days.
As long as you’re on the straight and narrow, you must be good to travel here, but keep a watch out for this and confirm you’re conversant in all the newest policies.
Improvements Made to Auto Inventory Ads
Auto Inventory Ads (AIAs) are around for a touch while now, and Facebook has recently made some great improvements to them. These ads, if you aren’t familiar, are designed specifically to be relevant to those curious about buying a car.
Expanded Safety for In-Stream Options
In-Stream has been a good opportunity for brands to possess advertisements that users are quite forced to look at while they await the content they chose to look at.
There have always been brand concerns, however, about what video their content is related to, especially following major YouTube incidents a touch while back when ads were shown on openly-racist videos.
There are lots of associations you only don’t want, and having ad revenue attend these users can hurt .Facebook marketing experts in Delhi use the various updates for promoting social media marketing.
Facebook has extended lots of “brand safety” options within the past, and now we’ve got two new ones:
Topic exclusion
Which offers a “granular exclusionary tool” that permits you to assess suitability at the content level. It’s fueled by machine learning, but you’ll ensure your videos won’t appear on content regarding any of the four following topics you choose: news, gaming, religious and spiritual content, and politics.
Publisher “allow” lists for in-stream auction
Which allow you to name a selected list of individual publishers you who would be willing to own your ad shown alongside
.Either way, it’s essential for brands and marketers to be up to this point on everything that would impact their organic and advertising campaigns moving forward.
To sum up, it will be fascinating to determine what the remainder of this way-too-long-year has future for us, and the way the platform will still evolve to supply new features while adapting to tighter security and privacy restrictions.